I've been pretty sad lately thinking about having to leave all these amazing people I've come to love and enjoy working with, but I'm also scared that this might be the best that somehow now it's time to be tested for how much good I've received that there's this expectation of hitting a home run all the time.
To that God says NO.
You live each day with me in my love and together we'll work through it and figure out how best to deliver my love to people. We're a team remember?? You and us. Four persons are better than one. Why would I reduce my love and providence for you just because life is changing? You forget that time is in MY hands; that I AM your God and not the other way around.
But I'm so scared.
And yet my perfect love casts out all fear. My prized possession, why would I care for you so tenderly and well all year only to abandon you? My love--that's who/what you are to me--I could no more divide myself in half or cut off a part of me than leave you behind or cast you aside or sever you from me. My love is who I AM and who you are. So you see, you and I are one--always and into enternity. For my love is Christ in you. I know it hurts. Remember I can feel what you feel. Healing will come....I promise you that. In the meantime, we walk through the pain together--you and us. That's what communion is about; sharing life and breath in the joy and sorrow--always together.
Often I find myself divided--wishing this blog tended more towards the deep thought side rather than the recounting of my daily life events. Both worthy things to be blogged about however. I recognize that I need an outlet for both. Perhaps the creation of another blog is in the works??? I suppose the deeper truth I realize is that while I am capable of going to that deep spot of conversation and thought, I often am willing to sacrifice that for the sake of another's understanding and participation in a conversation. Translation has been at the heart of my calling in ministry since I started studying Greek and Hebrew in seminary. For me, it's not about how smart I look or how academic my sermons or dialog are. What matters most is that the gospel is communicated in a way in which people can understand and digest; a way in which it becomes part of their soul. Yet at the same time I crave those deep conversations which fuel my creativity and ever widening wonder at who God is and how God works with, in and through us.
Last Friday I gave to VBS presentations and then clean up. So today I decided to take some of that time back by going to a movie and working off site at my leisure. After the movie I bought the Mummy 2 on sale and found a Christmas ornament that reminds me of WA. The ornament has been on my list of things to do for a long time now. Perhaps it was spurred to the top because I packed up and returned my Christmas tree to the church today. I had borrowed it from last year's VBS props for Avalanche Ranch. Wanting to go to a cafe to work, but not wanting to use the gas to drive there, I decided to head home, change, regroup and walk to Tazza Bella. I just calculated that I hoofed it 1.79mi. No wonder I was tired and craving an iced tea! I will be taking a bit of a shortcut back through Lynndale Park. Tonight is water wars at the Jeremiah Center (not to be missed) and I intend to spray others and get thoroughly soaked myself. Should be a blast.
Once I arrived at the cafe I was successfully productive in making an appointment, confirming my pictures are ready for pickup, posting on Paul's blog, editing my LSA for internship and editing my intern project proposal. So much easier to accomplish outside the office.
All last week I was Hydro-Jen and did the openings and closings for VBS with the theme Power Lab. Jesus gives us the power to be thankful, to help others, to be brave, to live forever and to tell others about God. Today, in VBS mode, I coined the phrase "Jesus gives us the power to be who we are!" The day before it was "Jesus gives us the power to be joyful!" See how catchy it is once you've been repeating it for a week straight??
My wonderful lab assistant Professor Peabody (aka Kristian) was a great partner all week in the skits and experiments. We had a blast meandering around and playing with the kids inbetween openings/closings. Kristian was really good with the kids, especially the boys (Krisitan is about 6ft. tall and built like a football player and he's only in 11th grade) b/c he could pick up two at a time--one in each arm. Have to say that Wednesday's squirt bottle game was the best. I was soaked and got squirted in the eye multiple times! The kids loved that day.
I got into my part and did quite a bit of work on my hairstyle each day to be as creative as possible. Here are some shots.
Tonight I surveyed the Mountlake Terrace parade. I found myself remembering parades I'd gone to as a kid--how my grandma taught us flag etiquette (stand and honor/salute only the very first flag of the parade), the motorcycle corps that do driving drills, the classic cars, the local representatives and those running for offices in the fall election, the Shriners in all their various forms and regalia, the cannon blasts, the clowns and of course, the candy. The real reason anyone actually goes to a parade in the first place.
I raked in a fair amount of candy (i.e. a large handful) compared to the Edmonds parade (which, barring the children's parade, was a complete bust). My inviter, Sue, meandered with me through the classic fair rides, the "for sale" and "come join us" booths, and the food/music area. All in all, it was a lovely evening for walking to the parade, around the fair area grounds and then back to the house/car. The prize of the night was the jump rope procured by Sue. She was beaming with excitement at her rare find.
Just returned from a week long trip to Ireland with Karen. Still trying to figure out what day and time it is. Woke up this morning half expecting to be in a bunk bed at a hostel with Karen sleeping above me. Everything in the house here feels foreign to me. Strange smells and surroundings. I wish I could have stayed longer in Ireland, particularly in Galway. As a way of transitioning back to WA, here a few shots from Ireland.
We started by spending a day walking along the River Liffey toward the W end of Dublin. We paused to eat lunch (i.e. chocolate cake) on a boardwalk on the N of the River Liffey. Boy was it tasty!! Of course we did eat more than cake. I had a pasta salad with British Chicken in a cream sauce and Karen had a 3 bean wrap.
From Dublin we traveled by rail to Galway on the W coast of Ireland.
This is a shot of the countryside just outside Galway. We stayed 3 days at a great hostel in downtown Galway City. The county is also named Galway. The W coast of Ireland is absolutely gorgeous. Galway City has a slight urban feel at the city center with surrounding residential suburbs. A short .5-.75mi walk from the city center puts you into the residential area. I know this because Karen and I went for a run around the town for some exercise. On our run we located a large field, a fort in Galway and a local park on the Galway Bay. From Galway we took two day trips: one to the Aran Islands (Inismor) and one around the area known as the Burren in County Clare S of Galway. Enjoy the video from our bike tour of Inismor.
On our way to the star highlight of our bus tour of the Burren, we stopped off at the Poulnabrone Dolmen--an ancient burial tomb dating back to 2500 BC. Here's Karen and I while we were still fresh and enjoying the bus ride. After we made it to the lunch stop around 2pm, we'd had enough of the bus ride. If only we could have procured our own rapid transportation back to Galway where we had to catch the 6pm rail back to Dublin. Our guide Paul assured us that we would be back by 5:30pm and have plenty of time. As it was, we showed up at 5:45pm at the corner of the train station and just made it onto the rail in time!
This is probably one of my favorite shots of the Cliffs of Moher. I took so many it was hard to choose, but this S looking view gives you a feel for how green the landscape is on top (even amidst the limestone surface), how sheer the cliffs are, a touch of the ocean washing up on the coastline and the expanse of the cliffs themselves. Mind you, this was taken at about the halfway point of the cliff viewing area. It was surprisingly windy that day, though we were very lucky to have the sun and a clear day. The day before was overcast, rainy and had very limited visibility.
Karen and I both fell in love with Ireland as we knew we would. When we return, we hope to spend more time on the W coast near Galway and rent a car so we can tour at our own pace. There is still much to see N and S of Galway and the lack of the side to side and lumpy bumpy tour bus ride is fine with both of us--especially with Karen. The interesting challenge of renting a car is that I have never been taught how to drive a manual and renting an automatic costs 2x as much. While Karen can drive a manual, she'd prefer to do it on the "right" side of the road and the car. Of course the greatest difficulty is just getting where you want to go based on the road signs!!
After returning to Dublin, we were in a bit of shock from the change of a more rural city to the sprawling urban of Dublin. To help remedy this we took a day trip N to Howth, a sleepy coastal town with a huge port and docks. While there we walked in the rain and strong winds (~25-30mph) to the lighthouse and then dropped into the local catholic church which happened to be open. There we paused to dry off, light some candles and rest in prayer. Afterwards, as the rain had stopped, we checked out the St. Mary's Abbey ruins and cemetery. This was the perfect day trip because it gave us a chance to balance out the busyness of Dublin and to talk and share stories from the last year.
To close, I'll add in a few random photos that are a must from our trip. First will be the inside of the catholic church in Howth where we paused for prayer and dry weather. Second is me wearing my Ireland shirt in Ireland. How could I possibly pass this one up?? Finally I add in a picture of Karen and I at the Dublin Airport before we left for the US. As I was planning for the trip and booking hostels, I expected our vacation to be a time of sightseeing and trying to pack in as much of Ireland as we could--just in case neither of us made it back. What I realized during this trip was that we actually went to Ireland to find each other. We traveled from opposite sides of the world and different countries to meet up on a green island in the North Atlantic to remember and deepen our relationship. Sure we went to sightsee and be tourists. My 272 pictures and movies are testament to that (and that doesn't include Karen's which will fill in some missing holes from the rest of our trip). The real reason we spent all this money and actually made this idea into a reality was to find each other after nearly a year and a half apart living parallel lives in separate universes. That is the great gift of Ireland--not all the goofy things I bought for my family, friends and coworkers, but the opportunity to share life deeply with my sister Karen.