Jen's Blog

Friday, May 30, 2008


You know that feeling when you end up somewhere you didn't expect to be but it turns out that it's a good thing? I never planned on getting really drawn into stewardship at Trinity, but I have apparently wandered onto this path through the forest and SURPRISE! Here I am. A whole new connection level for Mark and I. From what I can tell he's pretty excited about it. Maybe just because it's a passion of his and he's excited to see an intern with an edge for it.

I've hiked a lot growing up on family camping trips. My parents taught me to recognize the trail blazes and to make sure we were following the right on so we knew which path we were on and weren't getting lost. As Paul and I talked about leadership in the midst of not having things "figured out" (because that's a myth that things will ever be "figured out") I asked where the grace was in that which gives strength to keep leading. That's when we talked about trailblazing. There's one goal (though we didn't verbalize it, in my mind I named it Christ) and lots of ways to get through the forest to that goal; different trail blazings, paths that cross or parallel. The grace that comes is in trusting that first of all there is a path through the forest (God provides for God's people). Along the path through the forest grace comes in seeing the kingdom of God here in the now. Not as a teaser or quick taste, but in its fullness and reality. It's hard to describe what it looks like, but you know it when you see it--
when people love and care for each other
when an old man sells the car he's saved up for all his life and really loved and cared for, wiping it down after each drive, polishing it inside/out so that he can care for his wife--"what is a car compared to another day with my wife?"
when paths meet and community is shared in Christ's name.

Our calling is to work together in bringing more kingdom into the now. Which leads me back to this surprising place of stewardship. Didn't see this bend in the path coming, but what a unique opportunity to bring more kingdom into the now.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Problem of Ingratitude

At Trinity we've been talking a lot about budgets, lack of income, generosity and how to make all those things balance. Whenever money talk is on the table logic and rationality take a backseat. In a place with lots of energy and passion, people are quick to say yes to good ideas and slow to back up their excitement with finances. It's amazing to see people discerning their passions and turning them into active ministry and growing in leadership.

In the midst of all this conversation I keep wondering in my head "What is the root of all this lack of generosity?" Certainly fear is a huge factor, especially around the economy, housing market, government and recession. For most of the people here knowing where they work and their level of living, it's a perceived rather than actual fear which is preventing generosity.

Then I think "What about ingratitude? What about expecting all the good things without making the difficult choices? What about not being aware and grateful for the abundance we already have?" I've noticed this attitude in myself and I think I'm beginning to see it now in the congregation around me. Maybe the deeper issue is some people are grateful, but do not connect and translate their gratitude into their generosity. So how do you help people make that connection? I'm not sure, but I am responsible for writing the cover for June's newsletter.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I Love My Balance Ball

One of the best investments I have made this year is to buy a balance ball for exercise. While it doesn't address the social aspect of meeting people that going to a gym would, it's far cheaper than a gym membership and it's something to which I have immediate access any time I'm stressed or feel the urge to exercise. It's rewarding to do my own chiropractic and core strengthening work.

I love my balance ball!

The added bonus is the workout DVDs which came with the ball are led by people who are positive and affirming. Hearing their affirmation reminds me to focus on how I'm feeling and how good it feels to exercise and stretch away the stress and anxiety. Later on in the day when I can't exercise I can remember how good it felt and carry that with me.