One Sunday Afternoon In A Cafe...
Overhearing a conversation from a nearby table of 2 young men roughly in their mid-20s and 1 guy about 65-70 in the café I learned today that the myelin sheath, which surrounds and protects the nerves in a human body, are not formed for the first 10 months of life thereby allowing the soul of the person and the Holy Spirit to be completely unified. The Spirit has full reign—no distractions or competition. So what a person internalizes in those first 10 months is incredibly impressionable. Apparently their conversation had something to do with “ministering in the Spirit.”
Having checked in a few minutes later they are now praying for the one young man and asking God to speak to his spirit; whatever might come out. Even if it’s in tongues and it might sound like gibberish to us, it’s what you want to say Lord. I heard him speaking quietly, but his voice was so low and quiet I couldn’t make out anything. Now they seem to be on to the topic of prayer and being open to God’s voice. It might not come in the moment, but perhaps later on at a time when you could write it down or talk to someone about it.
Behind me a dad and his daughter talk about dividing up household chores. The dad offers to vacuum the stairs and the girl decides to mop the floors. She asks if they can rearrange something on the schedule and it is moved. Meanwhile the young man who was being prayed for sits in his Jeep talking on the phone. Ten minutes later he rubs his face and fidgets while looking in his rearview mirror. I wonder if I should walk out to the car and ask if he’s okay commenting that I overheard the conversation about prayer. Now it looks like he’s talking on the phone again.
By the time I can pull my things together and pack up to head towards the parking lot, the Jeep is gone.
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