Jen's Blog

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wisdom For Today

Sarah: Does everybody wear the same pair of pants in this relationship?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Wisdom For Today

Megan: Forget about making a list of things to do. I'm going to make a list of things to pray about.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Covers to Cover

At first I think of all the blankets piled on top of my bed (5 total) when I read that heading. Then I think of the blankets draped on my futon and chair (4 total). One could say that I like to get snuggly and they'd be right. Warmth is key when you wake up to -3F outside. Today was a sultry 5F to start. Oh, and it snowed this afternoon.

The other cover I think of is the latest book I'm reading voraciously--Divine Nobodies by Jim Palmer. The two introductions (yes, there are two) were quite intriguing. Of course you have to enjoy a book that starts out with 17 paragraphs listing characteristics about the author which will affect how your read the book. If you think 17 is too many, you won't appreciate Palmer's humor. In that case, don't read the book. You'll be bored by it. If you can stomach the intros, the chapters are delicious. Each one addresses a different topic in spirituality which we often struggle with but either can't name or don't want to admit we have problems with. This isn't a self-help book of answers, but it does offer some witty insight and bits of wisdom (even some decent theology for those of you who are addicts like me). It comes highly recommended. If you like his style, you won't be able to put the book down.

Wisdom for Today

Glenn: Never trust a naked bus driver.

Jen: A drunk salmon swims better than a goat with flippers.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Wisdom for Today

Glenn: It's better to be a problem solver than the problem.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Still Better Viewing Options

I finally remembered some of the other movies I watched over break.

Look Both Ways
Excellent Australian film. Montages alternate between mixes of cartoon images of disaster for the lead female and realistic photos of destructive cancer and journalism shots for the lead guy. Sounds crazy, but it's a really good film. Of course you have to appreciate the random happenings and mismatches of life to enjoy it. Day-to-day life, relationships (friends and love), fear and survival are all packed into this well directed/filmed movie. I highly recommend it.

Mini's First Time
Only watch this one with your really close friends. Prepare to be assaulted by how absurd, outrageous and awkward this film is. You think you know the ending? You'll be surprised--though probably not for the first time.

Little Miss Sunshine
Surprisingly funny if you like to laugh at how crappy life can be. Especially when it's happing to you. Another unexpected ending that matches well with the movie's overall theme and plot. Favorite part? That everyone gets dumped on at some point. Life just keeps moving on forward. How do you move on through the garbage to the new life that is already dawning?

Horse and Buggy

The horse of my friend's buggy is temporarily out of commission. Smacks of Barbaro's busted leg. Only this time she lost a heater coil. We think we're catching the antifreeze as it drips. Here's to busted transportation and being nice!

The moral of the story is: don't be nice to people, because their horse will break.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Back in the blogger again....

I have missed blogging a lot. So welcome back me. Got some dogsitting gigs coming up. Yea! Nothing new on the guy front sadly. At the prompting of my friend Kelly, I'm going to start working on my quilt again. Yep, hand sewn quilt. Kinda fun really. Just takes FOREVER.

Discovered the wonders of cocoa and shea butter for really cracked skin on your hands. Stuff is amazing. And now I'm super soft. Bonus!

So this is kind of a waste of a blog, but I'm getting back in the swing of things.
Life has been good lately. Things are working out okay for classes and internship so far. My independent study got approved--just needs started. Still moving into the apt. so that in about a month I can leave and move yet again. How many places have I been lately? Let's see....4 different places in the last year and a half. That's a lot of moving. Making my muscles all buff though. Sweat and sore muscles I can afford. Unlike the rent. But this was supposed to be a happy paragraph. My apt. looks nice at least--cozy.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Christmas Break

I had a great time over break. Some much needed R&R. Saw the family--all 14 of the 26 who could come. Ate WAY too much food--especially the cookies and sweets. Totally porked up when I was at home.

Got to preach at home the Sunday after Christmas. Went really well. Like the cherry on top of a really good sundae, it helped affirm that this is my calling in life.

Saw some really good movies:
The Family Stone
Great movie, story line and actors. Just a sad theme throughout and ending.

Prairie Home Companion
Started out really good. Hilarious spoofs on Minnesotans and midwesterners. Good story line until the theater got sold. Then there was kind of no ending/resolution and the last 1/2 hour didn't make a whole lot of sense.

The Sentinel
Good action/adventure with Michael Douglas and Keifer Sutherland (who's just as awesome an actor as his dad). Okay on the suspense side. Could have been ramped up a bit for my tastes, but good story line and ending.

The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines
Hilarious at how awkward the story is and how cheesy the special effects are, but way to go Noah Wylie. He tried at least. So-so on the action/adventure, but funny story. Worth the dollar theater if you don't want to rent it.