Jen's Blog

Monday, January 15, 2007

Still Better Viewing Options

I finally remembered some of the other movies I watched over break.

Look Both Ways
Excellent Australian film. Montages alternate between mixes of cartoon images of disaster for the lead female and realistic photos of destructive cancer and journalism shots for the lead guy. Sounds crazy, but it's a really good film. Of course you have to appreciate the random happenings and mismatches of life to enjoy it. Day-to-day life, relationships (friends and love), fear and survival are all packed into this well directed/filmed movie. I highly recommend it.

Mini's First Time
Only watch this one with your really close friends. Prepare to be assaulted by how absurd, outrageous and awkward this film is. You think you know the ending? You'll be surprised--though probably not for the first time.

Little Miss Sunshine
Surprisingly funny if you like to laugh at how crappy life can be. Especially when it's happing to you. Another unexpected ending that matches well with the movie's overall theme and plot. Favorite part? That everyone gets dumped on at some point. Life just keeps moving on forward. How do you move on through the garbage to the new life that is already dawning?


At 3:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

such a dunce... of course...

LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE... i was driving on the west side of la the other day and saw the exit for part of the movie - i giggled


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