Hilarious Scandal...Shocking News
Today I wandered into a discipleship group that isn't mine. It feels kinda like I'm "home" in that group again. The group I had my first year studied the text for the next Sunday every Wednesday when we'd meet (which is what this group does too). At the time I hated it because I couldn't understand what in the world they were talking about. Now I really miss it. So I think I need to switch groups. Plus, I figure that the prof who leads this group will be a far better advocate for me than my current leader (sorry PL!). I think I'm just a one group per year person.
Anyway, the reason I write about this is because today in the group I heard one of the most hilarious, scandalous, appropriate and excessive phrases of speech ever. I can't repeat it on here, but ask me and I'll tell you the story. The gist of the story is that the themes, ideas and liturgies we toss around during the church year are just saran wrap so that we can stay clean, neat and untouched by the law or by the gospel. Suffices to say that we all died of laughter--as did our prof.
What a day. It seems like way too much has come at me. Opportunities of where to live (another long term house sitting job??), options about what to do next in classes and next year (stay here or go on internship???), people talking to me who never have before (and only after someone mentioned their name a few days ago...strange), offers to go on cruises to the Caymans/Jamaica. I'm just not sure what to do with all of it. Yes, I got offered to go on a cruise. If I can scrape up about $700 I can go on a cruise with some random people from seminary. Is it possible to pass that up????? I don't know, but I have to figure it out soon.
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