Jen's Blog

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bored at Work

I would have written sooner.  I've very much wanted to keep up this blog.
As it is, October is half way over and I've missed most of the fall
Through means of anxiety, chronic worry and lack of internet in the house
I have been unable to make that desire a reality. That being

I made a special trip to the bookstore this morning to pick up books for
my thesis. Apparently the bookstore has always opened at 9am and I
assumed it was open by 8am. Needless to say the trip was wasted.
Hopefully I can remember to go over there this morning. It would be nice

if I acted like I was actually trying to make progress on my thesis.

It's amazing how difficult it is to motivate yourself when all you do is work
all day. I'd always heard that this was the case, but thought that
it would
somehow be different for me; that I would be able to combat the exhaustion,
laziness and apathy most people fall under. Clearly I was
wrong. Having
a job that requires you to work all day (and I don't even quite work ALL day)
slowly steals all of your creativity, desires, hope,
and life in general. It's
as if someone hooks up some device to you when you enter your office
that drains all of your soul right out. By the time
you leave, you are merely
a shell of a person--an empty, fragile vessel that is easily broken.

I'd like to change my life, but there are a number of reasons why I never do.
The chief of them all is of course fear, however, uncertainty, soul
despair, lack of vision and direction, and lonliness all take their place in the
line up of combatants. I am under seige, powerless to
control. Or am I?
Is this all truly my fault? Should I just buck up and pull myself up by my
bootstraps as they say? I have heard it said that
this is not possible for
anyone (thanks Paulson). I hate to be charged as one who only waited for
life to happen to her yet what else can I do?
What is my next step?

God I thought you promised to always be with me, so where are you?
I thought you promised to give me a hope and a future, so what is it?
I thought you promised to provide for me, but how is this enough?
I thought you promised to save me from this world, so why don't you come get me?
I thought you promised to send me a preacher, so why don't I have one?


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