Jen's Blog

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Branching Out

Two new adventures today.

1.) The house was visited by a city inspector to make sure the manager made required changes to get the house up to code. This was actually quite a pleasant experience--apart from the nasty stench in the basement coming from who knows what.

2.) My alb is being dry cleaned today. While I have been with other people to have clothes dry cleaned, I have never gone on my own. I found out there is a 15% off coupon for incoming orders on Tuesdays which motivated me enough to get it done today. This should have been done when I got back from internship. A year later...

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Motion to Reframe

While watching the CWA (ChurchWide Assembly) for the ELCA today I read the captions (sound off while at work) a man who was attempting to compare the homosexuality debate with the inclusion of gentiles into Jewish Christianity in the early church. This is one comparison I have not thought about before. Is it similar enough to make a legitimate comparison? Are the two examples on level playing ground?

Perhaps the issues are too different. One involves the inclusion of a different culture and ethnicity of people while the other involves the inclusion of a different lifestyle of people from varied cultures and ethnicities. Each situation offers groups playing by their own sets of rules devised from separate standards.

Should Christians, specifically Lutherans, be more exclusive? Perhaps the issue is more properly stated: Should we be more restrictive of the benefits of being part of the church?

Regardless of whether you believe homosexuality to be morally right/wrong or a sign of the variety/degradation of society, we all have to live together. Would that we focused more on those issues (community) than black/white, rationalized proofs of who is correctly holding the absolute truth.

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