Jen's Blog

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Covers to Cover

At first I think of all the blankets piled on top of my bed (5 total) when I read that heading. Then I think of the blankets draped on my futon and chair (4 total). One could say that I like to get snuggly and they'd be right. Warmth is key when you wake up to -3F outside. Today was a sultry 5F to start. Oh, and it snowed this afternoon.

The other cover I think of is the latest book I'm reading voraciously--Divine Nobodies by Jim Palmer. The two introductions (yes, there are two) were quite intriguing. Of course you have to enjoy a book that starts out with 17 paragraphs listing characteristics about the author which will affect how your read the book. If you think 17 is too many, you won't appreciate Palmer's humor. In that case, don't read the book. You'll be bored by it. If you can stomach the intros, the chapters are delicious. Each one addresses a different topic in spirituality which we often struggle with but either can't name or don't want to admit we have problems with. This isn't a self-help book of answers, but it does offer some witty insight and bits of wisdom (even some decent theology for those of you who are addicts like me). It comes highly recommended. If you like his style, you won't be able to put the book down.


At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read it after you finish. We can discuss these things. I really enjoyed the portions that I have seen. have a great monday!


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