The Problem of Ingratitude
At Trinity we've been talking a lot about budgets, lack of income, generosity and how to make all those things balance. Whenever money talk is on the table logic and rationality take a backseat. In a place with lots of energy and passion, people are quick to say yes to good ideas and slow to back up their excitement with finances. It's amazing to see people discerning their passions and turning them into active ministry and growing in leadership.
In the midst of all this conversation I keep wondering in my head "What is the root of all this lack of generosity?" Certainly fear is a huge factor, especially around the economy, housing market, government and recession. For most of the people here knowing where they work and their level of living, it's a perceived rather than actual fear which is preventing generosity.
Then I think "What about ingratitude? What about expecting all the good things without making the difficult choices? What about not being aware and grateful for the abundance we already have?" I've noticed this attitude in myself and I think I'm beginning to see it now in the congregation around me. Maybe the deeper issue is some people are grateful, but do not connect and translate their gratitude into their generosity. So how do you help people make that connection? I'm not sure, but I am responsible for writing the cover for June's newsletter.
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