Jen's Blog

Monday, March 10, 2008

Don't Let Me Get Me In Good Company

This is the title of a great song by Pink. I mention it as a tribute to everyone who would like to take a vacation from themselves but finds that they can't get far enough away from the one staring back at them in the mirror. For those who find they are a hazard to themselves, rest assured you are in good company. Incidentally that's the name of a movie about finding out who you really are and learning to be okay when you discover you are not ultimately defined by what everyone else thinks you are or who they try to make you be. Such is the great quest of life: To become the fullness and wholeness of being you as you were created and to creatively share that wholeness with others.

Here's to a more radical freedom in life; a place where only one person defines who you are--God. Who better define you than the one who created you?
Speak your words of truth that I may know what truth is.
Tell me about your reality so that I may know what reality is.
Give me your grace so that I may have grace to give to others.
Saturate me with your Spirit that I may be only your presence.


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