Give Yourself A Break!
These were the words Paul gave me on Thursday. Usually I have trouble knowing how much is enough; much like Ellen Page in Juno.
Juno's Dad: "I thought you were the kind of girl who knew when to say when."
Juno: "I really don't know what kind of girl I am."

Since I generally listen to Paul's advice and wisdom, I promptly e-mailed Kirsti. By Friday afternoon I had scheduled two back treatment appointments for us and a haircut for me at the Aveda Institute in Seattle. As you can see from the photo, the haircut was a success! My hair has never been this straight in my entire life. Hildy and I had a lively conversation while I received the world's longest haircut (approx. 2 hours start to finish). It was well worth it though. They start with scented oil and a scalp massage. All I can say

Your hair looks awesome! I have never seen it that straight!!! I like it.
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