Jen's Blog

Friday, January 25, 2008

Classic Erie

Wednesday night I arrived home from my whirlwind tour back to Erie. I’m still trying to figure out exactly why I took this trip now, but that’s a story for another day. While at home I determined to take pictures of the blustery, snowy tundra that is Erie in order to share them with my co-workers when I returned. Amongst some neat shots of the lake splashing onto the break walls, I captured this sign advertising a chicken sandwich. Who knew chicken was “crispy frickin’”?

Not to be outdone by the frigid temperatures and inclement weather, Creamland (the local ice cream shop at the top of the hill from my house) posted their 80 day count down to their spring opening date. Sheer joy flowed through my body when I read the sign. In less than 70 days delicious ice cream will be served declaring that spring has arrived and no matter what the thermometer says that day, it will be warm enough to eat ice cream!!


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