Jen's Blog

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


What's one of the best gifts someone's given you?
A book?
Something handmade?
Their time?

How about one of those little, shiny, glass rocks that people use in fish bowls and flower decorations? You're probably wondering, "Why would anyone give one of those away? What kind of gift is that?" Fair enough. Let me tell you a story.

The glass rock to which I am referring came from a baptismal font at a previous congregation where Paul was serving. His last pastoral act was to baptize some people. He placed a bunch of these glass rocks in the font and did the baptisms. At the end of the service he handed a glass rock from the font to each person and told them all that though they would face difficult times ahead in the congregation and the struggles that come with calling a new pastor, they were all beloved, baptized children of God. No matter what happened or what troubles came their way in life, God's promises to each of them were sure and certain. The words spoken to Jesus at his baptism were true for them as well. "This is my beloved child." The glass rock, covered in baptismal water, was their "anyway stone"--a tangible reminder that God loved them anyway.

A few weeks ago Paul gave me one of the leftover remaining glass rocks. Mine to use and do with whatever I wanted. Today was a tough day. The glass rock traveled with me reminding me that no matter how rotten I felt, there is One who loves me....anyway.


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