Jen's Blog

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Simmer Down Now

That was one of the favorite tag lines to a kids show when I watched Nikelodeon. The figure was a popsicle stick with googley eyes, marker lines for a face and a bow tie. I've been pondering that phrase the last few days and thinking about Sabbath. I try fervently to take my day off seriously and to protect it from work that might encroach. Usually I end up going out and doing something fun on my day off. This is good and renewing and refreshing, but should I be "resting" more?

What does it look like to rest? Should I be lounging on the couch more watching TV? Should I try to bring back more silent prayer time? How do you not do things (rest) while not feeling like a slacker or like you're missing out on a good opportunity to have fun? How do you do less but still have a full, busy, fun life?

Make me to lie down in green pastures Lord. Slow me down and make me stop so I can just breathe.


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