Properly Seasoned
I've been stuck in the wrong season. Thanksgiving day seemed like a measly celebration this year. Since I arrived, I've been living in a season of being thankful and grateful. Meanwhile the air got colder and the days shorter. Where was winter?? Somehow life was changing at the wrong speed or the gears were being shifted out of order. I was ready to move on, but the rest of the Earth was lagging behind. The thing that finally helped make it feel more like winter was the first snowfall that came on Monday night. I was out to dinner with the office ladies (aka, girl's night out) and just as we were leaving one of them said it was snowing. Sheer delight flashed into my eyes and across my face. My entire day changed when I heard there were flakes coming down.
I need the change of seasons. It's what flavors life and it's how life passes and flows for me. To miss a season is to miss a part of life or to lose part of the delicate balance of taste in a dish. It is the complexity of life that makes it taste so good. Here's to snowflakes that turn your day/week around and people who make you laugh enough to forget how you felt before.
Today's seasoning at the Border's Cafe is young single women reading books and older men passing time by reading or sleep-reading.