Jen's Blog

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Making connections

Yesterday I went to the Como Park Conservatory, Zoo and Park. It was very hot and sunny out, so I thought I should slather on some sunblock. I never have it on hand, but when I went to Guatemala in January I got a tube. I pulled it out and stood at the bathroom sink. Immediately the smell, action and placement transported me to doing the same daily task in Guatemala. Fond memories returned.

This afternoon at work today Kelly and I talked with a woman named Carmen. Well I mostly listened since I haven't spoken much Spanish since January and back then, not since high school. She was lively and entertaining. She complemented us on speaking Spanish so well. Funny since I only spoke about 50 words or less. Suddenly I'm motivated to brush up my verbs and start speaking it again. I keep traversing over the Univision station on tv. I find I must concentrate hard to make out what they are saying. This will at least present me with something to occupy my time.

Fatima and the Dream Thief

I don't think I ever posted about this. A while back in my discipleship group, we took two weeks to have milk, cookies and read stories. One week was children's week and we read the story Fatima and the Dream Thief. The story is Middle Eastern in origin and absolutely wonderful. It has a surprise ending too. Definitely worth buying for your collection. Fatima is a young girl of a poor family whose older brother went to work for an evil man who ended up stealing the boy's dreams, leaving him in a catatonic state. Fatima decides, against her mother's wishes, that she will work for the man and win back her brother's dreams. The illustrations and ending are exquisite.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Could you post more in one day please?

I have nothing better to do, so let's write more!!

Karen left last Saturday. It was fun to move stuff around and pack it up. I tried not to think about how depressing it would be once she left. I'm hoping she'll come back for graduation this weekend. (had to pause to look up directions for that)

I had to buy a bed because I was borrowing one from Karen's family. It's nice. The mattress is a little stiff, but over time it will wear nicely and be really comfy. I just need hundreds of people to sit on it and break it in for me. Bouncing on it gets old after a while. Hopefully I'll be able to get a dresser at some point. For now my clothes reside on the floor. Went to Kris's graduation party--fun times! Fresh maragritas and a delicious taco bar--gormet!--and, my favorite, dessert bar with all kinds of goodies on it. Wrote down some quality memories for Kris to enjoy later on.

I got pots and pans on Sunday.

Last night...oh....I made the largest, thickest, most full pot of soup/stew I have ever made. I'm going to call it" 2 stew with veggies"--you'll see why. It had 2 cans of tomates with herbs, 2 cans of chicken broth, 2 pieces of chicken breast, 2 green peppers, 2 potatoes, half a bag of little baby carrots, a chunck of onion--generous handful, 4-5 stalks of celery, and 1 cup of rice--which cooks to 2 cups right? Oh it was delicious!! And I filled 3 square Glad ware containers and one large, round Ikea bowl which is roughly 6" high and 8" across (?). Anyway, I have a butt load of soup.

Today I applied for housing in a seminary apartment. Here's hoping I get some cheap housing. It would be really nice. The benefit would be that I could possibly keep it through the year. Perhaps even move into a 2 bedroom one if I find a roommate at some point.

Stupid blog

I wish I knew more tricks to get this thing to work better for me. Or at least be more interesting.

Freak Out!

That great 70's (it was the 70's right...I couldn't find the song on a lyrics search, so I'm not sure) (that whole aside made me think of the Who's Line spoofs on CD infomercials) song. It's kind of ironic. I'm all stressed about what's going to happen and when and how to work that out because after June I need a place to live and still don't have a job lined up. Does that mean I'll move back to PA? Will I be able to find a place to live here in the cities? In the end, there's not much to do and therefore not much to freak out about. Life is "oh so funny" sometimes.

It just seems that the things I think are good qualities no one else seems to be overly interested in. And I mean that on multiple levels. Sure, it applies to the job front, but to people too. It's not so much fun living alone without a community to support you or give you something with which to interact. I miss my roommate. But there are a few people around school that I've run into lately, so that's good. We're trying to make some plans so our summers aren't boring and wasted on nothing.

Catch up

Boy it's been a long time since I wrote. No news on the job front. It's a waiting game now to see when the staffing company offers me some positions. Could be a while. Good thing I still have my Sem. Relations job. I'm thinking about maybe getting another part time job? At least until I get a full time one. Not sure what I would pick though. But something to keep me from watching TV all the time would be nice. And money would be an added benefit too.