Jen's Blog

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Freak Out!

That great 70's (it was the 70's right...I couldn't find the song on a lyrics search, so I'm not sure) (that whole aside made me think of the Who's Line spoofs on CD infomercials) song. It's kind of ironic. I'm all stressed about what's going to happen and when and how to work that out because after June I need a place to live and still don't have a job lined up. Does that mean I'll move back to PA? Will I be able to find a place to live here in the cities? In the end, there's not much to do and therefore not much to freak out about. Life is "oh so funny" sometimes.

It just seems that the things I think are good qualities no one else seems to be overly interested in. And I mean that on multiple levels. Sure, it applies to the job front, but to people too. It's not so much fun living alone without a community to support you or give you something with which to interact. I miss my roommate. But there are a few people around school that I've run into lately, so that's good. We're trying to make some plans so our summers aren't boring and wasted on nothing.


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