Rude Picnicers, Inflatable Toys, Bingo and Yodeling
I know, you're thinking "What on earth could those things possibly have in common?" Well that would be the events of my Sunday.
On Sunday I traversed to Incarnation Lutheran up north to hear Glenn preach. The church was amazing! Designed with a lodge/cabin look to it, the main sanctuary is beautiful, large and inviting. Talk about feeling like you're in God's "house." Turns out the praise and worship service was not in the main sanctuary. I came in around offering and finished that service. While greeting the woman in the pew in front of me, she explained the p&w service was in the new Incarnation Hall down the way. After walking through some large hallways and passing many rooms I did find the hall; also beautifully designed. Glenn's sermon was awesome btw. I hope I can preach something like that someday. It was eloquent, but down to earth. Relevant but full of Jesus. Finished worship there and toured some of the church with Glenn.
Post service, I planned to stop at a nearby park to read and relax. There were few tables left in the shade, but I managed to snag one. About a 1/2 hour after I arrived nearly 4 carloads worth of people converge with another family who had already staked out two large tables near mine. A small contingent came over to the table in front of me and asked if they could "um...share some space?" The woman agreed as she and her daughter would be leaving once they finished eating. One guy plops down a smoking grill, another brings over a huge tray of raw meat, another a watermelon and the last was hovering closely. I decided that was enough and packed up to leave. By all means, take the space, but plan ahead, come early and stake out the tables. Don't run other people off!!!
I ended up at a park closer to home where I was greeted by huge inflatable castles and slides. Apparently you should not try going to a park unless you have a family with kids. I walked to the other side of the lake which looked more calm. Surprise! It's bingo day at the picnic shelter. First they opened with the National Anthem and waved red flags with white crosses on them. Then I watched a clown walk around and try to talk with people. Later on there was (I kid you not!) yodeling and trumpets playing. All in all, it was a fascinatingly random day. At least at this park I was distanced enough I could ignore the strange festivities. Mind you, this all happened in the span of about 6-7 hours. Wow...what a day.