Jen's Blog

Monday, July 23, 2007

Bad News

Maybe it makes you feel annoyed, angry, upset, ticked, bitter or physically ill. Sometimes feeling disappointed can be worse than all those just listed. When the bad news comes, it hurts. Maybe it's just a tiny cut and things heal fast. But maybe you've been cut deep.

Words do that. Things happen when we use them. We might not always see the effect they have, but something is going on underneath the surface. If it's something bad, it usually takes time before you're ready to talk about it in a constructive way. If it's serious, then there's that whole grief process to anticipate.

I don't like pain. I generally make every effort to avoid it and go to great lengths to prevent it from happening. It still comes of course, but I try to stop whatever pain I can prevent. Still, there are times when I throw caution to the wind hoping against myself and others that events will turn out okay and might actually materialize. Today I was reminded about the price you pay when you act in/on faith and hope despite what you see and sense. Don't let anyone fool you, the price is exceptionally high.

I do not write these things to discourage you, but you already know what I am talking about. That feeling in your stomach that the world should now end because you have been dealt a fierce blow--how can anyone endure such things? Then you remember the definition of insanity: repeating the same steps over and over again expecting different results; extreme foolishness; folly; something that is extremely foolish. I rest my case.


At 12:00 AM, Blogger yup said...

:( Jen... call me... apparently monday was a shitty day in the world of, well, the world.

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Megan's Blog said...

Dude what's going on? I'm calling you today when I know you are off work. 4pm right? Talk soon! -meg.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Karen Elizabeth said...

seriously, what has happened?
I'll call as soon as I can.


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