Jen's Blog

Friday, September 21, 2007

Across the Street

Today was a Tae Bo day. I just couldn't bring myself to go running. It was way too much work. Plus the top of my left foot hurts and I'm thinking it might be from running too much or maybe in bad form. Reminds me of my brother's foot fractures in the same place when he ran track. Though those of you who know my running style know I haven't run nearly enough to warrant such problems of the foot. Which is partly why I turned to Tae Bo today. Wouldn't you know, I strained the outside muscle on my left arm "throwing jabs" to the sound of Billy Blanks yelling at me on the TV "get your spirit energized!!" Seriously, if I knew how to do that on my own without you having to tell me to make it happen, I would have done it by now and would not be sweating buckets to the point I think I'm getting heat exhaustion.

Due to aforementioned Tae Bo-ing, I am now sitting across the street at Cafe Ladro putting some quality time in with my computer and uploading pictures from my trip out here. Apparently my spirit has been so "energized" that I needed a cup of sickenly sweet tasting tea (no, I did not add sugar to it--it just brews this way apparently) to calm my energized spirit and to soothe my sore left arm.

Today will be a low key day. I'm thinking of getting a DVD to add to my growing collection of ways to occupy my time when I can't find anyone else to hangout with or any other place to hangout. My next goal is to make some friends. There is a girl about my age on my intern committee. She enthusiastically said she would be happy to take me out with her friends. Sadly, I don't have her phone number or her last name. I'm hoping she calls me sometime before the next meeting in mid October.

Being at Ladro is also a way to avoid house work. Having added a bookcase and small side table to the house yesterday from a lady in the congregation, I now have pine needles and dirt all over the floor. Though I must say I am very excited to have my books out on display and a really cute table on which to put my pine scented candle. The living room looks a tiny bit more like my style now. THAT is what "energizes my spirit."


At 11:15 AM, Blogger Karen Elizabeth said...

Hope you enjoyed preaching today!


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