Jen's Blog

Monday, October 13, 2008

Faculty Approved

This morning was my faculty approval interview. I arrived early before either Patricia or Rolf got there. Rolf came in twice wondering where Patricia was. We maybe got started around 9:10am. Rolf had to leave early because he was playing music in chapel. Nothing like a fun quick run through my preparation as a pastor.

Patricia: "Pretend you're sitting with a call committee and they ask you 'What's your theology?' What would you say?"
[Cause that's not a broad topic! Theology of what? When told it was just in general I decided the best commentary I could give was that it all boils down to the incarnation for me. God coming to me and for me. Even in a childlike fashion I am mind boggled that "You picked me! You love me! You want me!" Without God coming to us, there's no other source of hope for living in this world and finding meaning and purpose.]

Rolf: "It's clear from your essay that you write very well and concise and have a point."
Jen: "Well I learned that from you. Papers are supposed to have points! :)
Rolf: With a hint of a wry smile, "I suspect you knew that before though."

Probably the easiest and most relaxed interview I'll ever have.

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