Jen's Blog

Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Holiness of Packing a Car

I helped my good friend Karen pack up her remaining belongings into her car today and sent her out of town to camp. There is a solemnity in moving your things out of one place and to another. There is a stillness that beckons around each corner and a nagging quiet as you touch each step down to the car. I am very sad and deeply grieved. I love my friend and I will miss her. Yet I grace her leave with joy and blessing because God is vocating her to a new location where her gifts, skills and life are needed more.

My favorite part of the day: giving her a hug before she left and sitting on the floor of her apartment as she blogged one last time and wrote me an e-mail to remind me to pick up her thesis from the printing and binding place.


At 3:09 PM, Blogger Karen Elizabeth said...

You are so awesome. Thanks for helping me. I don't think I had enough skill to get all of that stuff in the car by myself.
You rock.


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