Jen's Blog

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Icing on the Cake

So Monday was the big snowstorm. I go to leave the parking lot after The Way and of course Luther can't salt the parking lots, so ice is everywhere. I, unfortunately, was parked in a spot which required me to back down a slope to then leave the parking lot not by way of the large, also icy, hill that leads to campus. I back up just fine and then the spinning begins. So I think backing into a little more snow might give me some traction. Oh no. We spin more. And now I'm back into the snow that hasn't been touched by any car, so it's 8" deep. My two friends Karen and Jane hop out and offer to help push to set us free from our icy merry-go-round. Sadly it was to no avail. We even tried the floor mats for extra traction. No luck. Then along comes the security mini van. So two tough women and one rather large and strong guy try pushing. Nothing. I back down the icy hill (b/c by now we've managed to move out of the snowy part of the lot) and run into two large snow banks b/c I couldn't see where I was going very well. You think all is well then right? Nope. Now we must face the large hill up to campus--which we are currently half way up. We make it up about half way before we start spinning to a halt. So we back down the hill into the previous lot again and let Jane go--sadly she had to walk all the way back to her dorm. But Karen and I managed to make it down the hill and back to our apartment. Way to go Elle the Explorer!


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